$group = "(?P<{$i}_{$name}>" . preg_quote( $syn, '/' ) . ')'; MediaWiki API Result
You are looking at the HTML representation of the XML format.
HTML is good for debugging, but probably is not suitable for your application.
See complete documentation, or API help for more information.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <module classname="ApiParse" description="This module parses wikitext and returns parser output" examples="api.php?action=parse&amp;text={{Project:Sandbox}}" version="ApiParse: $Id: ApiParse.php 89672 2011-06-07 18:45:20Z catrope $" prefix="" readrights="" name="parse">
          <param name="title" description="Title of page the text belongs to" default="API" />
          <param name="text" description="Wikitext to parse" type="string" default="" />
          <param name="summary" description="Summary to parse" type="string" default="" />
          <param name="page" description="Parse the content of this page. Cannot be used together with text and title" type="string" default="" />
          <param name="pageid" description="Parse the content of this page. Overrides page" type="string" default="" />
          <param name="redirects" description="If the page parameter is set to a redirect, resolve it" type="bool" default="false" />
          <param name="oldid" description="Parse the content of this revision. Overrides page and pageid" type="string" default="" />
          <param name="prop" description="Which pieces of information to get&#10; text           - Gives the parsed text of the wikitext&#10; langlinks      - Gives the langlinks the parsed wikitext&#10; categories     - Gives the categories of the parsed wikitext&#10; categorieshtml - Gives the html version of the categories&#10; languageshtml  - Gives the html version of the languagelinks&#10; links          - Gives the internal links in the parsed wikitext&#10; templates      - Gives the templates in the parsed wikitext&#10; images         - Gives the images in the parsed wikitext&#10; externallinks  - Gives the external links in the parsed wikitext&#10; sections       - Gives the sections in the parsed wikitext&#10; revid          - Adds the revision id of the parsed page&#10; displaytitle   - Adds the title of the parsed wikitext&#10; headitems      - Gives items to put in the &lt;head&gt; of the page&#10; headhtml       - Gives parsed &lt;head&gt; of the page&#10; iwlinks        - Gives interwiki links in the parsed wikitext&#10; wikitext       - Gives the original wikitext that was parsed" default="text|langlinks|categories|links|templates|images|externallinks|sections|revid|displaytitle" multi="" limit="50">
          <param name="pst" description="Do a pre-save transform on the input before parsing it&#10;Ignored if page, pageid or oldid is used" type="bool" default="false" />
          <param name="onlypst" description="Do a pre-save transform (PST) on the input, but don&#039;t parse it&#10;Returns the same wikitext, after a PST has been applied. Ignored if page, pageid or oldid is used" type="bool" default="false" />
          <param name="uselang" description="Which language to parse the request in" type="string" default="" />
          <param name="section" description="Only retrieve the content of this section number" type="string" default="" />
          <param name="disablepp" description="Disable the PP Report from the parser output" type="bool" default="false" />
          <error code="readapidenied" info="You need read permission to use this module" />
          <error code="params" info="The page parameter cannot be used together with the text and title parameters" />
          <error code="missingrev" info="There is no revision ID oldid" />
          <error code="permissiondenied" info="You don&#039;t have permission to view deleted revisions" />
          <error code="missingtitle" info="The page you specified doesn&#039;t exist" />
          <error code="nosuchsection" info="There is no section sectionnumber in page" />
          <error code="nosuchpageid" info="There is no page with ID $1" />
      <module classname="ApiQueryAllpages" description="Enumerate all pages sequentially in a given namespace" examples="Simple Use&#10; Show a list of pages starting at the letter &quot;B&quot;&#10;  api.php?action=query&amp;list=allpages&amp;apfrom=B&#10;Using as Generator&#10; Show info about 4 pages starting at the letter &quot;T&quot;&#10;  api.php?action=query&amp;generator=allpages&amp;gaplimit=4&amp;gapfrom=T&amp;prop=info&#10; Show content of first 2 non-redirect pages begining at &quot;Re&quot;&#10;  api.php?action=query&amp;generator=allpages&amp;gaplimit=2&amp;gapfilterredir=nonredirects&amp;gapfrom=Re&amp;prop=revisions&amp;rvprop=content" version="ApiQueryAllpages: $Id: ApiQueryAllpages.php 85354 2011-04-04 18:25:31Z demon $" prefix="ap" readrights="" generator="" name="allpages">
          <param name="from" description="The page title to start enumerating from" type="string" default="" />
          <param name="to" description="The page title to stop enumerating at" type="string" default="" />
          <param name="prefix" description="Search for all page titles that begin with this value" type="string" default="" />
          <param name="namespace" description="The namespace to enumerate" default="0" type="namespace" />
          <param name="filterredir" description="Which pages to list" default="all">
          <param name="minsize" description="Limit to pages with at least this many bytes" type="integer" />
          <param name="maxsize" description="Limit to pages with at most this many bytes" type="integer" />
          <param name="prtype" description="Limit to protected pages only" multi="" limit="50">
          <param name="prlevel" description="The protection level (must be used with apprtype= parameter)" multi="" limit="50">
              <t />
          <param name="prfiltercascade" description="Filter protections based on cascadingness (ignored when apprtype isn&#039;t set)" default="all">
          <param name="limit" description="How many total pages to return." default="10" type="limit" max="500" highmax="5000" min="1" />
          <param name="dir" description="The direction in which to list" default="ascending">
          <param name="filterlanglinks" description="Filter based on whether a page has langlinks" default="all">
          <error code="readapidenied" info="You need read permission to use this module" />
          <error code="invalidtitle" info="Bad title ``title&#039;&#039;" />
          <error code="invalidtitle" info="Bad title ``key&#039;&#039;" />
          <error code="params" info="Use &quot;gapfilterredir=nonredirects&quot; option instead of &quot;redirects&quot; when using allpages as a generator" />
          <error code="params" info="prlevel may not be used without prtype" />
      <module classname="ApiQuerySiteinfo" description="Return general information about the site" examples="api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=general|namespaces|namespacealiases|statistics&#10;api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=interwikimap&amp;sifilteriw=local&#10;api.php?action=query&amp;meta=siteinfo&amp;siprop=dbrepllag&amp;sishowalldb=" version="ApiQuerySiteinfo: $Id: ApiQuerySiteinfo.php 77192 2010-11-23 22:05:27Z btongminh $" prefix="si" readrights="" name="siteinfo">
          <param name="prop" description="Which sysinfo properties to get:&#10; general               - Overall system information&#10; namespaces            - List of registered namespaces and their canonical names&#10; namespacealiases      - List of registered namespace aliases&#10; specialpagealiases    - List of special page aliases&#10; magicwords            - List of magic words and their aliases&#10; statistics            - Returns site statistics&#10; interwikimap          - Returns interwiki map (optionally filtered)&#10; dbrepllag             - Returns database server with the highest replication lag&#10; usergroups            - Returns user groups and the associated permissions&#10; extensions            - Returns extensions installed on the wiki&#10; fileextensions        - Returns list of file extensions allowed to be uploaded&#10; rightsinfo            - Returns wiki rights (license) information if available&#10; languages             - Returns a list of languages MediaWiki supports" default="general" multi="" limit="50">
          <param name="filteriw" description="Return only local or only nonlocal entries of the interwiki map">
          <param name="showalldb" description="List all database servers, not just the one lagging the most" type="bool" default="false" />
          <param name="numberingroup" description="Lists the number of users in user groups" type="bool" default="false" />
          <error code="readapidenied" info="You need read permission to use this module" />
          <error code="invalidtitle" info="Bad title ``title&#039;&#039;" />
          <error code="invalidtitle" info="Bad title ``key&#039;&#039;" />
          <error code="includeAllDenied" info="Cannot view all servers info unless $wgShowHostnames is true" />