$group = "(?P<{$i}_{$name}>" . preg_quote( $syn, '/' ) . ')';
<?xml version="1.0"?> <api> <paraminfo> <modules> <module classname="ApiParse" description="This module parses wikitext and returns parser output" examples="api.php?action=parse&text={{Project:Sandbox}}" version="ApiParse: $Id: ApiParse.php 89672 2011-06-07 18:45:20Z catrope $" prefix="" readrights="" name="parse"> <parameters> <param name="title" description="Title of page the text belongs to" default="API" /> <param name="text" description="Wikitext to parse" type="string" default="" /> <param name="summary" description="Summary to parse" type="string" default="" /> <param name="page" description="Parse the content of this page. Cannot be used together with text and title" type="string" default="" /> <param name="pageid" description="Parse the content of this page. Overrides page" type="string" default="" /> <param name="redirects" description="If the page parameter is set to a redirect, resolve it" type="bool" default="false" /> <param name="oldid" description="Parse the content of this revision. Overrides page and pageid" type="string" default="" /> <param name="prop" description="Which pieces of information to get text - Gives the parsed text of the wikitext langlinks - Gives the langlinks the parsed wikitext categories - Gives the categories of the parsed wikitext categorieshtml - Gives the html version of the categories languageshtml - Gives the html version of the languagelinks links - Gives the internal links in the parsed wikitext templates - Gives the templates in the parsed wikitext images - Gives the images in the parsed wikitext externallinks - Gives the external links in the parsed wikitext sections - Gives the sections in the parsed wikitext revid - Adds the revision id of the parsed page displaytitle - Adds the title of the parsed wikitext headitems - Gives items to put in the <head> of the page headhtml - Gives parsed <head> of the page iwlinks - Gives interwiki links in the parsed wikitext wikitext - Gives the original wikitext that was parsed" default="text|langlinks|categories|links|templates|images|externallinks|sections|revid|displaytitle" multi="" limit="50"> <type> <t>text</t> <t>langlinks</t> <t>languageshtml</t> <t>categories</t> <t>categorieshtml</t> <t>links</t> <t>templates</t> <t>images</t> <t>externallinks</t> <t>sections</t> <t>revid</t> <t>displaytitle</t> <t>headitems</t> <t>headhtml</t> <t>iwlinks</t> <t>wikitext</t> </type> </param> <param name="pst" description="Do a pre-save transform on the input before parsing it Ignored if page, pageid or oldid is used" type="bool" default="false" /> <param name="onlypst" description="Do a pre-save transform (PST) on the input, but don't parse it Returns the same wikitext, after a PST has been applied. Ignored if page, pageid or oldid is used" type="bool" default="false" /> <param name="uselang" description="Which language to parse the request in" type="string" default="" /> <param name="section" description="Only retrieve the content of this section number" type="string" default="" /> <param name="disablepp" description="Disable the PP Report from the parser output" type="bool" default="false" /> </parameters> <errors> <error code="readapidenied" info="You need read permission to use this module" /> <error code="params" info="The page parameter cannot be used together with the text and title parameters" /> <error code="missingrev" info="There is no revision ID oldid" /> <error code="permissiondenied" info="You don't have permission to view deleted revisions" /> <error code="missingtitle" info="The page you specified doesn't exist" /> <error code="nosuchsection" info="There is no section sectionnumber in page" /> <error code="nosuchpageid" info="There is no page with ID $1" /> </errors> </module> </modules> <querymodules> <module classname="ApiQueryAllpages" description="Enumerate all pages sequentially in a given namespace" examples="Simple Use Show a list of pages starting at the letter "B" api.php?action=query&list=allpages&apfrom=B Using as Generator Show info about 4 pages starting at the letter "T" api.php?action=query&generator=allpages&gaplimit=4&gapfrom=T&prop=info Show content of first 2 non-redirect pages begining at "Re" api.php?action=query&generator=allpages&gaplimit=2&gapfilterredir=nonredirects&gapfrom=Re&prop=revisions&rvprop=content" version="ApiQueryAllpages: $Id: ApiQueryAllpages.php 85354 2011-04-04 18:25:31Z demon $" prefix="ap" readrights="" generator="" name="allpages"> <parameters> <param name="from" description="The page title to start enumerating from" type="string" default="" /> <param name="to" description="The page title to stop enumerating at" type="string" default="" /> <param name="prefix" description="Search for all page titles that begin with this value" type="string" default="" /> <param name="namespace" description="The namespace to enumerate" default="0" type="namespace" /> <param name="filterredir" description="Which pages to list" default="all"> <type> <t>all</t> <t>redirects</t> <t>nonredirects</t> </type> </param> <param name="minsize" description="Limit to pages with at least this many bytes" type="integer" /> <param name="maxsize" description="Limit to pages with at most this many bytes" type="integer" /> <param name="prtype" description="Limit to protected pages only" multi="" limit="50"> <type> <t>edit</t> <t>move</t> <t>upload</t> <t>read</t> </type> </param> <param name="prlevel" description="The protection level (must be used with apprtype= parameter)" multi="" limit="50"> <type> <t /> <t>autoconfirmed</t> <t>sysop</t> </type> </param> <param name="prfiltercascade" description="Filter protections based on cascadingness (ignored when apprtype isn't set)" default="all"> <type> <t>cascading</t> <t>noncascading</t> <t>all</t> </type> </param> <param name="limit" description="How many total pages to return." default="10" type="limit" max="500" highmax="5000" min="1" /> <param name="dir" description="The direction in which to list" default="ascending"> <type> <t>ascending</t> <t>descending</t> </type> </param> <param name="filterlanglinks" description="Filter based on whether a page has langlinks" default="all"> <type> <t>withlanglinks</t> <t>withoutlanglinks</t> <t>all</t> </type> </param> </parameters> <errors> <error code="readapidenied" info="You need read permission to use this module" /> <error code="invalidtitle" info="Bad title ``title''" /> <error code="invalidtitle" info="Bad title ``key''" /> <error code="params" info="Use "gapfilterredir=nonredirects" option instead of "redirects" when using allpages as a generator" /> <error code="params" info="prlevel may not be used without prtype" /> </errors> </module> <module classname="ApiQuerySiteinfo" description="Return general information about the site" examples="api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=general|namespaces|namespacealiases|statistics api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=interwikimap&sifilteriw=local api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=dbrepllag&sishowalldb=" version="ApiQuerySiteinfo: $Id: ApiQuerySiteinfo.php 77192 2010-11-23 22:05:27Z btongminh $" prefix="si" readrights="" name="siteinfo"> <parameters> <param name="prop" description="Which sysinfo properties to get: general - Overall system information namespaces - List of registered namespaces and their canonical names namespacealiases - List of registered namespace aliases specialpagealiases - List of special page aliases magicwords - List of magic words and their aliases statistics - Returns site statistics interwikimap - Returns interwiki map (optionally filtered) dbrepllag - Returns database server with the highest replication lag usergroups - Returns user groups and the associated permissions extensions - Returns extensions installed on the wiki fileextensions - Returns list of file extensions allowed to be uploaded rightsinfo - Returns wiki rights (license) information if available languages - Returns a list of languages MediaWiki supports" default="general" multi="" limit="50"> <type> <t>general</t> <t>namespaces</t> <t>namespacealiases</t> <t>specialpagealiases</t> <t>magicwords</t> <t>interwikimap</t> <t>dbrepllag</t> <t>statistics</t> <t>usergroups</t> <t>extensions</t> <t>fileextensions</t> <t>rightsinfo</t> <t>languages</t> </type> </param> <param name="filteriw" description="Return only local or only nonlocal entries of the interwiki map"> <type> <t>local</t> <t>!local</t> </type> </param> <param name="showalldb" description="List all database servers, not just the one lagging the most" type="bool" default="false" /> <param name="numberingroup" description="Lists the number of users in user groups" type="bool" default="false" /> </parameters> <errors> <error code="readapidenied" info="You need read permission to use this module" /> <error code="invalidtitle" info="Bad title ``title''" /> <error code="invalidtitle" info="Bad title ``key''" /> <error code="includeAllDenied" info="Cannot view all servers info unless $wgShowHostnames is true" /> </errors> </module> </querymodules> </paraminfo> </api>